

Gino Vivi, an example and promise of professional soccer

Gino Vivi, an example and promise of professional soccer

Soccer is a sport that requires a lot of dedication and discipline, and is full of passion, talent and emotion, for this reason it is constantly evolving, and one of the most important missions of soccer teams is to find new talent to strengthen their ranks and keep their team with a good performance and performance in competitions. That is…

8 ways that an American soccer academy could benefit from a partnership with a Spanish foot ball academy

8 ways that an American soccer academy could benefit from a partnership with a Spanish foot ball academy

1. The American soccer academy could benefit from Spanish football academy’s expertise in the sport . This could include access to new drills and training techniques that could help improve the skills of their players. 2. American academy players could participate in exchange programs with Spanish academy players, allowing them to learn from each other and gain a better understanding…

TNGS VIRTUAL CAMP: entrenando la inteligencia de juego

TNGS VIRTUAL CAMP: entrenando la inteligencia de juego

Un jugador de élite sabe que el entrenamiento para el éxito debe ser integral. Las habilidades físicas y técnicas ya no son suficientes. Los jugadores exitosos deben prepararse para tener la mentalidad correcta para el juego y tomar las decisiones tácticas adecuadas. Muchos de los mejores jugadores visualizan sin esfuerzo el espacio entre la línea de defensa y anticipan exactamente…

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