

Gino Vivi, an example and promise of professional soccer

Soccer is a sport that requires a lot of dedication and discipline, and is full of passion, talent and emotion, for this reason it is constantly evolving, and one of the most important missions of soccer teams is to find new talent to strengthen their ranks and keep their team with a good performance and performance in competitions. That is…

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8 ways that an American soccer academy could benefit from a partnership with a Spanish foot ball academy

1. The American soccer academy could benefit from Spanish football academy’s expertise in the sport . This could include access to new drills and training techniques that could help improve the skills of their players. 2. American academy players could participate in exchange programs with Spanish academy players, allowing them to learn from each other and gain a better understanding…

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Evitando las lesiones en el campo

Durante los entrenamientos y los juegos, los atletas desarrollan constantemente el equilibrio, la agilidad, la coordinación y el sentido del trabajo en equipo, sin embargo, es importante que los jóvenes talentos estén conscientes de los riesgos de lesiones. La prevención de lesiones, la detección temprana y el tratamiento pueden mantener a los jugadores en el campo a largo plazo. Los…

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Avoiding injuries on the field

During practice and games, players are constantly developing balance, agility, coordination, and a sense of teamwork, however, its important that the young talents are aware of the risks for injury. Injury prevention, early detection, and treatment can keep the players on the field long-term. Sprains and strains are the most common lower extremity injuries. The severity of these injuries varies.…

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TNGS 2020: un año en que los obstáculos se convirtieron en oportunidades

El año 2020 ha cambiado nuestra realidad en muchos aspectos, incluyendo el deporte.  A raíz de la pandemia se iniciaron nuevas normativas para las prácticas deportivas, así como las celebraciones de los partidos. Muchos encuentros se suspendieron, otros cambiaron sus fechas y algunos más se jugaron dentro de “burbujas”. En medio de estos cambios, TNGS decidió convertir los obstáculos en…

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TNGS opens an academy in the saudi city of Khobar

TNGS is happy to announce the agreement with Mr. Mohammed Alghamdi for the opening of the first TNGS Academy in Khobar, Saudi Arabia. After the campus held in November 2019 at the Khobar facilities and the subsequent trip of its best players to the TNGS High-Performance Center in Spain, talks began to extend and formalize an agreement that will benefit…

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TNGS abre una academia en la ciudad Saudí de Khobar

TNGS está feliz de poder anunciar el acuerdo con el señor Mohammed Alghamdi para la apertura de la primera Academia TNGS en la ciudad de Khobar, Arabia Saudí. Tras el campus realizado en Noviembre de 2019 en las instalaciones de Khobar y el posterior viaje de los mejores jugadores de este al Centro de Alto Rendimiento de TNGS en España,…

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Young talent from the Maldives wins the TNGS VIRTUAL CAMP: now he will test himself with high-level players in Spain

A group of four young athletes from the Maldives participated in the TNGS VIRTUAL CAMP demonstrating and reaffirming their talent and love for football. Now, one of them will have the opportunity to travel to Spain and test himself with high-level players.   One young talent from the Maldives is getting ready to train in Spain at TNGS, one of…

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